We have organized questions that patients frequently ask on this page. If you have a question that is not answered here or would like clarification on any of the questions then reach out to us directly.


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How do I become a patient?
Can you look at my labs?
Is Dr. Boone board certified and fellowship-trained?
Why should I travel to the Southwest Parathyroid Center?

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How do I become a patient?
Can you look at my labs?
If I already know that I need parathyroid surgery, why do I need a consultation?

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Parathyroid Operation

Will I need to stay in the hospital after surgery?
I am flying in for the operation. Do you have any hotels to recommend in the area?
Do you use general anesthesia?
Do I need to remove my small earrings or wedding ring before surgery?
I am fascinated by medical procedures. Is there a chance to have the surgery recorded? Could my partner watch (e.g. if there is a 'gallery') or does he have to wait in the waiting room?
What is the probability of complications? And what are the most common complications?
What would happen if all four parathyroids are affected?

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After Surgery

Will I need to stay in the hospital after surgery?
How long will it take to know whether the growth on the parathyroid(s) was benign or cancerous?
How much Calcium and Vitamin D3 do I need to take after surgery (week 1, week 2, thereafter)?

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Costs / Insurance

How much does a consultation cost?
Do you take insurance?
How much will parathyroid surgery cost if I'm paying cash?